Kelly Phan 🌝️                                                                                                              

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Kelly Phan 🌝️

Color Light Impressions

“Color Light Impressions” is a museum exhibition poster project. I chose Impressionist theme for my museum exhibition. I chose to have an exhibition for Claude Monet. Monet’s paintings are already iconic on their own but for this project I wanted a new way to intepret them. 

I want to focus on the Monet’s depiction of movement and time in his painting. 
Class: Design with Colors 2021

Professor: Aki Nurosi

Project Type: Poster design, mock ups, motion posters 

I extracted the color palette using Adobe Colors. 

Using the color palette extracted from Monet’s painting, I create digital pixelated versions of the orignal painting. 

In order to focus on Monet’s depiction of time and movement, I played with blending modes to create glass, blurring and sun glares in my series of posters.

Zoom in on the effect

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